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Best Ways for Seniors to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Best Ways for Seniors to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Posted by Wearever on May 15, 2023

Stress and anxiety are linked to hundreds of health conditions and diseases from incontinence and diabetes to heart disease and beyond. If you’re dealing with anxiety in seniors, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. In fact, according to the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), as many as 10-20 percent of the older population is affected by anxiety, though often undiagnosed. If you’re not feeling quite like yourself lately, learn about these best ways for seniors to relieve stress and anxiety:

1. Seek out a health professional you trust

If you’re noticing a slight decline in your mental health, the best first step is to always seek out a health professional with whom you’d be comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions. Psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and therapists are typically available for expedited appointments if you’re in need of immediate, non-emergency attention.

If you’re not ready to talk to a professional in-person, there are other options like online counseling available at your fingertips.

2. Diet is key

Believe it or not, what we eat has been directly linked to mental health and how our brain responds to stress and anxiety. In order to have a balanced mind, we must also have balanced diets that promote stable blood sugar levels, high vitamin intake and plenty of antioxidants to ease anxiety symptoms. A few of our favorite foods that have been shown to reduce stress include apples, beans, leafy greens, salmon and whole grains.

3. Get outside for a walk or exercise indoors

It’s true what they say: nature can be the best therapy. According to Mayo Clinic, reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin levels, resulting in stress and anxiety. Consider getting outside for daily walks to ensure you’re getting enough sun when it’s nice outdoors. When you can’t due to messy weather or other priorities, it’s important to develop an indoor exercise pattern as well. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), only five minutes of anaerobic exercise improves mood and positivity while relieving tension and allowing you to have a better night’s sleep.

4. Mindfulness and meditation

If you’re familiar with beneficial practices for mental health, you’ve probably at least heard of “mindfulness.” A key component to mindfulness requires us to release our focus on the past and worries about the future in exchange for living in “the now,” also known as the present. According to Mindful, meditation can help us achieve mindfulness by allowing us to focus on our senses, emotions and thoughts.

If you suffer from anxiety, you may feel the effects not only on the mind, but also on the body. For example, stress often exacerbates incontinence symptoms like bladder leakage. At Wearever, we’re dedicated to helping you experience less stress so you can live your best life every day, 24/7/365. Try our panties or briefs completely risk-free today with our First Pair Guarantee!